UltraFiltration (UF) Membranes

Cobetter UltraFiltration(UF) membranes are engineered for fluid purification or clarification in variety of applications, including concentration, dilution and buffer exchange of biopharmaceutical process development for monoclonal antibodies, albumin, hormones, and vaccines & growth factors. Besides caustic and chlorine resistant, the PES composite membranes combine advantages of superior flow rate, low extractables & protein-binding, harsh chemical cleaning with excellent mechanical strength.

Available Removing Rating (kDa)
1 / 3 / 5 / 10 / 30 / 50 / 100 / 300

Typical Applications

 · Biopharmaceutical Concentration / Dilution / Buffer Exchange / Desalting
 · Diagnostics
 · Recombinant Proteins

 Membrane Format
 · Flat Sheet